Waving Goodbye to Web2, Welcoming Web3

In the ever-changing and evolving world of technology, nothing lasts forever, changes occur fast and at breathtaking rates, true, some changes occur faster than others, some are improvements, modifications, replacements and in some cases outright changes are made as some versions are retired, in this article, we will see the changes happening in the World Wide Web, with our focus on Web2 and Web3.

A Brief History of the Web

The web going by a basic definition is a collection of text, digital photographs, music files, videos, and animations accessed via the internet. The web began with what is popularly known as Web1.0. The pioneer is Tim Berners-Lee who is highly acknowledged as the creator of the World Wide Web in the early Nineties. Web1.0 was characterized by static pages, combined content and layout, file storage system, proprietary HTML tags, guestbook and E-mailing of forms. This is just a scratch to the surface, if you will like to learn more about the history of the Web kindly read here.


  • Web2

According to Investopedia

Web2 describes the current state of the internet, which has more user-generated content and usability for end-users compared to its earlier incarnation, Web1 In general, Web2 refers to the 21st-century Internet applications that have transformed the digital era.

  • web3

According to Wikipedia

Web2 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web-based on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts including decentralization and token-based economics.

Content Ownership

  • Web2

Content ownership is centralised and can be controlled as such content can be censored, regulated or moderated by a Social media service provider such as Facebook.

  • Web3

Here content is decentralised as such there is no alarm for content censorship thus allowing millions of people to participate in its worldwide data network framework.


  • Web2

Popular Social media and information sharing platforms such as Wikipedia, Facebook(Meta), Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, podcasts, blogs, and video sites all prove the great improvement from web1.

  • Web3

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning powered applications - Decentralised Applications (DApps) such as multi-user virtual environments, 3D portals, and integrated games are fast gaining prominence and it is no surprise the direction taken by Meta in prioritising the Metaverse.

Virtual environments

  • Web2

Some basic forms of rendering in 3D have been employed; that is producing an image based on three-dimensional data. This has been applied in Video games, educative platforms, Arts, construction and prototyping.

  • web3

3D rendering, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) Mixed Reality (XR) are common terms that are already been adopted and would be explored much more in web3. This would revolutionise Tourism, Virtual shopping experience, Multi-player online video gaming as well as blockchain-based virtual transactions.

Data Storage

  • web2

This is pretty much a case of who owns what, a select few large tech firms owe much data compared to the rest of the globe, of course owing or having access to data is one thing, but having an enabling storage procedure and platform is another thing hence the ease for bigger firms being at the forefront of data ownership.

  • web3

With decentralization in place, data ownership is not at the mercy of a select few but data is distributed across users as there is an increasing surge in decentralized applications being built, likewise, data storage will require working with structures that wipe out dependence on controlling/regulating institutions. These will usher in an era of open financial motivator frameworks to produce profoundly precise and confirmed data.


The above are some of the changes we have seen and will continue to see as we gradually move from web2 towards Web3. Note, Web3 has not been fully adopted but the blueprints are clear for all to see, and change is gradual, faster for some and slower for some, but overall as the world evolves, do not be left behind, you can learn more about web3 with so many resources available, I will just point out the training package set up by the ZuriTeam in conjunction with Nestcoin via a training tagged Blockgames. It is a good place for beginners and those with prior experience to enhance their knowledge and application of web3.